Friday 1 July 2011

Pretty polish!

So I've become a little obsessed with nail polish! Here is Status symbol by Essie. It is a gorgeous girl pink and I think it is now one of my favourite pinks! It's lovely to apply, however you do need a few coats to try to get a full coverage of your own nail (if that makes sense). I wonder if anyone could let me know if there is a trick? Some people wear light colour nail polish and can cover the white tips of own nail completely? I've applied Sally Hansen megashine as my topcoat! I will update this post with the staying power as I've only applied today!


  1. Amazing nail polish! Thanks for your blog. Bought one yesterday and have already had so many compliments!

  2. Yeah it is gorgeous! I've now had on for 4days and no chips, so good staying power! Definitely perfect for summer hols!
